New Patients

Important information – Jan 2025


NEW PATIENTS: Please be advised that registration will take 14 days to process (with the exception of newborn babies). Please ensure you have plenty of medication from your current GP for 30 days whilst we process your registration with us.

Welcome to Almond Road Surgery

In order for you to join our Surgery you must reside within the practice area (see map below for details). We only accept new patient registrations for new born babies who’s parents/guardians are already registered with the practice. If you move house, please let us know as you may no longer reside within our catchment area. 

As well as this we require you to fill out all relevant forms in the New Patient Registration section below and submit them to us. Unfortunately we cannot process your registration until these forms are completed and submitted to us. Every patient is assigned a named GP. If a patient expresses a preference as to which GP they wish to be assigned, the practice will make reasonable effort to accommodate this request.

If you would prefer to complete a paper version of these forms please visit the Surgery and we will provide them for you.

New Patient Registration

In order to process your Online Registration with Almond Road Surgery, please fill out all of the relevant forms below

New Patient Registration Registration (Required)

We are using a new online service called “Register with a GP Surgery”, that makes it easy to register with Kimbolton Medical Centre.

All you need to do is fill this quick online form to start the process. It should only take about 10 minute to complete. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or NHS number. The service is designed and run by the NHS, so you can rest assured that your personal information is safe. The form helps cut the Practices administrative workload and makes it easier for you to register.

Paper forms are still available if you need one.

Online Services (Recommended but Optional)

Both new and existing patients are encouraged to register for online services allowing you to manage appointments, repeat prescriptions and more.

If you would like to register for Online Services please complete this form.

Patient Participation Group (PPG) (Optional)

What is the Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

The Patient Participation Group (PPG), was formed to encourage a representative group of the Practices population and the Local Community to volunteer to be involved with and support the successful running of the Practice. They meet regularly (every 3 months) and are deemed the voice of fellow patients and facilitate communication between you, the patients, and the practice team. This includes constructive criticism, fund raising, ideas on improving the service we provide.

What does a Patient Participation Group do?

  • Facilitates positive relationships between the GP practice and patients, by communicating patient experience, interests, concerns. Also providing feedback on current procedures and proposed new developments.
  • Work together and positively with the practice to help improve services and facilities for patients. To act as a sounding board for practice staff on any issues that may affect patients.
  • Helps build two-way communication and co-operation, between the Practice, Patients, other organisations, individuals and the broader community to the mutual benefit of everyone.
  • Acts as a representative group to support the practice and influence the local provision of health and social care.
  • Help raise funds for the practice to assist in purchasing additional equipment and services for the benefit of patients.

 We run virtual groups between meetings, so you will need access to the Internet. Emails will be sent to you and we are free to exchange opinions and suggestions this way.

Join our PPG

If you are interested in making a real difference to the Surgery and the Local community please join us. We would like our Patients’ Forum to be truly representative of our patient population – especially younger patients. No special qualifications or experience are required. We are a friendly group, and we would like to warmly welcome you to join us.

Join our PPG Form

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?

Are you a Carer? (Optional)

Do you look after a family member or friend who is unwell, disabled or frail?

If the answer is yes, then please let us know, we can arrange focused help and support for you.

Please fill in the online form below, this will give us the relevant information to allow us to organise and deliver the best possible support for you.

If you would prefer, you can download & print the form below. Then fill it in and return the form to our reception team.

For more information and guidance about support available to Carers please go to our Carers Page

Patient Record Access (Optional)

Online Access to Prospective Records

All practices nationally have been asked to provide patients with prospective access to their medical record from 31st October 2023.  Access is via the NHS app and/or NHS website if you have a suitable NHS login.

Your GP medical record contains consultation notes based on conversations between you, your GP and their team: medicines prescribed to you; all test results including hospital investigations; allergies; vaccines; and your medical conditions along with documents that may have been sent from local hospitals, clinics or other agencies, eg. the police. There is likely to be sensitive and personal information within your medical record.

We are supportive of providing you with access to your record, but we wish to do this safely. You will need to understand the risks which may be involved in having such confidential data either on your smartphone with the NHS app installed or online if there is a possibility that other people might have access to that information through your devices. If you are in a difficult or pressured relationship for example, you may prefer your records to remain accessible only to those treating you, with them not appearing on your smartphone or online. Government has been clear that if a patient does not wish to have access, then we do not have to provide it.

For those who would like access, there are now different levels:

Everyone already has access to their medication history and allergies, and can order their repeat prescriptions, if they use the NHS App or have an NHS login set up.

As of 31st October 2023 you will be able to request access to your prospective record which will allow you to see everything which gets added to your record starting from the date your request is approved.

For several years now it has also been possible to request access to what we call your retrospective ‘coded record’ where you can see historical data contained in your record.  The application process for this level of access can take much longer due to the workload involved and the need for a GP to review the whole of your medical record as part of the application process.

It’s important to remember that medical documents may, at times, contain information that could be upsetting, especially if they contain news of a serious condition. It can also be a cause for worry seeing results online when it isn’t clear what the results might mean, and no one is available to ask, as can be the case during the evening or at weekends, for example.

Sometimes people might prefer not to see information that remind them of difficult times in their life. Letters from healthcare providers sometimes need to go into detail about past events, and great consideration would be needed in deciding whether you would want to see these letters.

Consideration is also needed if there is a possibility that private details might cause harm at home, should people in a difficult or pressured relationship be forced to show their medical record to an abusive partner.

Requesting access to prospective records – what do I need to do?

The easiest way to get access is to create an NHS login through the NHS app. Although you can also access your GP records via the internet on a computer, the first bit is easiest if done through a smartphone. If you don’t have one, you may have a family member or friend you trust who can help you.

If you use the NHS app, you’ll have to set up an account using a unique e-mail address and then ‘authenticate’ yourself to the NHS system to prove you are who you say you are. This will involve confirming your name, date of birth and contact details. The NHS login has several levels of authentication and to gain access to your records you’ll need the highest level of authentication. This generally involves you recording a short video of yourself to prove you are a real person as well as uploading a copy of a suitable identification document.

Once you have suitably authenticated yourself to the NHS app and created your NHS login you can contact us and ask for access, being mindful of the risks associated with access and the importance of not sharing passwords or having them stored in your smartphone if you think other people might want to see them without your permission.

We will provide you with an application form (or you can download it (Application for prospective online access) to complete and bring back to the surgery with relevant items of identification.  Your application will then be passed to a GP for review.  As we are unsure as to how many people will ask for prospective access there may be a wait, but we will do our best to get you online access as soon as we can.

Practice Area

Catchment Area

Temporary Registration

If you are ill while away from home, or are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.

Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.

To register as a temporary patient with us, simply collect a form from Reception to complete.

Change of Personal Details

If you change your name, address or telephone number, please let us know.

If you move out of the area please inform us as soon as possible so that we can forward your records to your new doctor.

Change of Details